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Our Louder Than Words grants serve as part of Finish Line's Louder Than Words platform and our goal to support diverse and underserved communities. These
grants will be awarded to nonprofit organizations that make a difference in our corporate Indianapolis neighborhood as well as communities across the country.

In 2024, we will invest $500,000 in nonprofits whose projects impact Health & Wellness, Workforce Development and Safe

Communities. Grants up to $10,000 will be awarded. Please visit this link to see more details and apply.

Grant Cycle 1 Grant Cycle 2 Grant Cycle 3 Grant Cycle 4


Far East Side of Indianapolis


February 1 - March 15


Grants awarded by
April 25th


Health & Wellness


April 1 - May 15


Grants awarded by
June 27th


Workforce Development


June 1 - July 15


Grants awarded by
August 29th


Safe Communities


September 1 - October 15


Grants awarded by
November 28th


Far East Side of Indianapolis Cycle

* Programming or activities that focus on one or more of our 3 pillars: Health and Wellness, Workforce Development, or Safe Communities.

* Programming or activities must impact the lives of residents living in the JD FINL corporate community of the Far East Side of Indianapolis.

Grant Cycle 1


Far East Side of Indianapolis


February 1 - March 15


End of April

Grant Cycle 2


Health & Wellness


April 1 - May 15


end of June

Grant Cycle 3


Workforce Development


June 1 - July 15


end of August

Grant Cycle 4


Safe Communities


September 1 - October 15


end of November

2024 Grant Recipient

Barrcode5 Closet

$10,000 to establish an accessible permanent clothing closet location for families on the Far Eastside of Indianapolis, providing access to free brand-new clothing.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana

$10,000 to support youth on the Far Eastside of Indianapolis through one-on-one mentoring, collaborative programming, and group mentoring.

BoyztoKingz, Inc

$10,000 to support annual book bag giveaways and monthly care packages for youth on the Far Eastside of Indianapolis.

Dream Alive, Inc

$10,000 to provide mentoring and career readiness to youth on the Far Eastside of Indianapolis.

Fathers and Families Resource Research Center

$10,000 to assist 170 fathers on the Far East Side of Indianapolis with the cost of the OSHA-10 exam to aid in success in the NCCER program and beyond.

Men of Vision Empowering

$10,000 to purchase supplies needed for their Barbershop Talk program offered to young men on the Far Eastside of Indianapolis.

SHEroes, Inc

$10,000 to provide programs and services that promote leadership development, life skills, and healthy relationships to teen girls on the Far Eastside of Indianapolis.

The Mom Cave Co

$10,000 to organize a Community Baby Shower for women on the Far Eastside part of their Mommy to the Rescue program.

The Ross Foundation

$10,000 to support youth initiatives in the Far Eastside Social Justice Youth Empowerment, including local government influence, addressing community issues, and being a voice for positive change.

Warren Arts and Education Foundation

$10,000 to build an inclusive playground at Brookview Elementary School on the Far Eastside of Indianapolis.


American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

$10,000 to train individuals to be presenters of "L.E.T.S. Save Lives: An
Introduction to Suicide Prevention for Black and African American Communities raising awareness of suicide prevention for minorities.

Backpacks of Love Inc

$10,000 to help fund the Feeding Hungry School-Age Children program for children suffering from hunger deprivation.

BAYA Corporation

$10,000 to support weekly workshops for girls to build their self-esteem and teach them how to cope with stress positively.

Burnout Boyz

$10,000 to help purchase the necessary football equipment for impoverished young men.

Childrens's Grief Center of New Mexico

$10,000 to help support general operations of the Grief Center’s programs and services, offering a safe space, healing, and hope to youth and families in need.

Family Connections of NE Ohio

$10,000 to help provide training for staff and pilot program for students participating in the Reading Bootcamp.

Good Sports Inc

$10,000 to help provide brand-new sports equipment, apparel, and footwear to address the financial barriers girls nationwide face in sports.

Intermountain Centers for Human Development

$10,000 to help install sun sails at a disabled youth park to allow a year-round outdoor educational program.

Midtown Community Services

$10,000 to assist with purchasing supplies and food for camp attended by children in the community living in at-risk neighborhoods.

Paws and Think, Inc

$10,000 to help sustain and expand the impactful Youth-Canine program targeting youth in juvenile detention centers.

Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital

$10,000 to help fund new and necessary equipment to provide better, practical, meaningful, child-centered treatment for the growing pediatric population.


$10,000 to help provide new shoes to children and families experiencing homelessness.

Spirit of the Sun

$10,000 to assist in hosting group mentorship activities and events to empower and build up Indigenous youth.


$10,000 to help provide exclusive merchandise and materials for girls participating in the DreamBuildHER Empowerment Program.

2023 Grant Recipients


Lawrence Community Gardens

$10,000 to support the produce market and summer youth program.

Nine13 Sports

$25,000 to help make an impact on the youth of Indianapolis by bringing the joy of bicycling to kids of all shapes, sizes, ages, and abilities


$10,000 to support an apprenticeship program for Junior and Seniors from Warren HS who desire to learn more about Social Enterprises as they focus on philanthropic activities as well as gain experience from our entrepreneurial community through internships of various kinds.

Phalen Leadership Academies

$100,000 to help fund the creation of the PLA sports complex at 43rd and Mitthoeffer. 

Project Free

$25,000 to support financial literacy programs like budgeting and home ownership.


1000 Ties (Lyndhurst, OH)

$10,000 to provide materials for the lifesessions and to apply for certification for all

participants from the American Red Cross for their first aid, CPR, and AED training. 

Alliance Family & Child Solutions (Empathy HQ) (Fort Worth, TX)

$10,000 to support direct therapy services to males 13 - 19 who are currently incarcerated.

AmiKids Southwest Florida Inc

 (Fort Meyers Beach, FL)

$10,000 to help sustain and expand construction vocational services at AMIkids Southwest Florida.

Avengers Youth Mentoring (Houston, TX)

$10,000 to support funding materials needed for the Avengers Community House carpentry and gardening programs. 

Be Her By Tyresa Inc  (Duluth, GA)

$10,000 to support a comprehensive 8-week, 48-hour initiative for each individual grade 6,7 & 8th, designed to implement education, teaching youth self regulation, goal setting, healthy decision making, healthy relationships, avoiding risky behaviors, cultivate essential skills and facilitate discussions on challenging topics. 

Box United (Chicago, IL)

$10,000 to help support funding two new Fight Like a Girl programs. 

Boys & Girls Club of Toledo (Toledo, OH)

$10,000 to support the construction and equipment costs associated with their Entryway Safety Initiative.

Bradley Angle(Portland, OR)

$10,000 to support the improvements to shelter for domestic violence survivors.

Brooke's Place (Indianapolis, IN)

$10,000 to support volunteer training, grief related books and materials for the lending library, group time start-up materials, arts and crafts, grief games,  volcano room materials needed for the Eastside Ongoing Support Group Expansion.

Cafe Momentum (Austin, TX)

$10,000  to support various activity areas such as workforce development, education, counseling, career, life, and social-emotional skills needed for interns. 

Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern Arizona (Tucson, AZ)

$10,000 to help provide local AZ transportation, meals, materials and overnight accommodation to families who have a child, teen, young adult or adult with a sickle cell diagnosis.

Center for Urban Excellence (Vallejo, CA)

$10,000 to suppor expansion of vocational training, supportive services enhancement, career readiness and job placement, participant wages, and program operation and outreach.

Children & Family Institute (Dallas, TX)

$10,000 to support A 6-week Summer STEAM interactive camp that allows youth and their families to engage with other families, in a curated set of science, technology, arts and

entrepreneurship activities.

Children's Hospital Foundation (Louisville, KY)

$10,000 to help purchase gun trigger locks, medication safety bags, car seats, bicycle helmets, smoke detectors and electrical wall outlets covers. distributed in the Norton Children's Mobile Safety Care-A-Van during community events.

Covenant House California (Los Angeles, CA)

$10,000 to help cover CHC's Pathways to Independence (LA) program costs (incentives, stipends, exam/certification fees, equipment, uniforms, transportation,etc.) 

Cross Pollination Corridor Project (Detroit, MI)

$10,000 to support youth learning how to grow vegetables and maintain their own garden.

Domestic Violence Resource Center Inc (Albuquerque, NM)

$10,000 to support families struggling with food insecurity, lack of adequate and safe transportation, and clothing needs in the Victim Advocacy Program.

Downtown Boxing Gym (Detroit,MI)

$10,000 to purchase the food, supplies, and equipment necessary to maintain both our daily meal provision, and the implementation of their Seeded at the Table educational programming.

Educate Me Foundation (Indianapolis, IN)

$10,000 to foster a more diverse, inclusive, and resourceful teaching community within Marion County with the Black Teacher Fund. 

Firefly Children & Family Alliance (Indianapolis, IN)

$10,000 to help launch in-house mental health and therapy services at the children's shelter. 


(Chesapeake, VA)

$10,000 to help enables families to pay down debt, upscale income, and, if possible, begin to create savings.

Four Corners Group Inc (Kennesaw, GA)

$10,000 to expand Corners Group's Pathways to Success program into Atlanta. 

Grow Your World (CARRBORO NC)

$10,000 to support youth mentorship and access to opportunity through the INKounter program.

Hack the Hood (Palo Alto, CA)

$10,000 to cover key programmatic expenses and ensure the successful implementation of our comprehensive tech skill-building and career pathways programs for the 2023-2024 period: Hustle, Build, and Drive.

Happiness is Camping (Hardwick, NJ)

$10,000 to covers cost of food, transportation, medical supplies, insurance, programming supplies in Camp for Children with Sickle Cell Disease.

James R. Halsey Foundation of the Arts  (Trenton, NJ)

$10,000 to support production and market a short documentary titled "Common Ground Reconnect."

Kind Theory (Plano, TX)

$10,000 to support cover the operational costs of the Building Safe and Supportive Communities (Safety) program.

L&J Empowerment (Little Rock, AR)

$10,000 to provide training for a minimum of 50 students during first year of the UpLift Barber & Beauty Academy.

Lucky to Ride (Sheridan, CO)

$10,000 to support Learn to Earn for 36 PBLA students.

Native American Advancement Foundation (Tucson, AZ)

$10,000 to support purchase of Portable Flood Water Dams to protect NAAF's programming spaces and avoid expensive repairs to buildings that have been damaged by flooding. 

Orlando Health Foundation (Orlando, FL)

$10,000 to support the Community Health Mentor Program to develop skills and connections to achieve long-term success as professionals and advocates within their community. 

Positive Character Girls, Inc (Indianapolis, IN)

$10,000 to cover cost of the Summer Intensive Camp  materials obtained for each participant.

Safelinx Nation Inc (Baltimore, MD)

$10,000 to cover the costs for visual arts materials and supplies through Art Heals.

Santa Fe Dreamers Project (Santa Fe, NM)

$10,000 to support salaries of SFDP’s Humanitarian Visa Program legal staff assigned to the program

Side Hustle Economy (Indianapolis, IN)

$10,000 to award scholarships to students participating in the The Hustlers Scholarship Program and to film a documentary..

Stem from Dance Inc (Brooklyn, NY)

$10,000 to support programming to engage students with dance and STEM.

SweetFeet (DENVER, CO)

$10,000 to support sneaker purchases for the youth as well as hosting professional workshops where we teach the youth how to build a business and brand a business. 

The Kitchen Project Inc (Atlanta, GA)

$10,000 to cover overhead expenses for kitchen/classroom space rental in the TKP Youth Culinary Training Program.

The Ladder Alliance (Bedford, TX)

$10,000 to support career-readiness programs designed to create a pipeline of highly qualified graduates with the skillsets necessary for gainful employment, increasing their household earnings and directly reducing poverty.

The Skills Center Inc (Temple Terrace, FL)

$10,000 to provide 200 middle and high school youth from Tampa's low income, minority communities wirh a year round exposure to coding, robotics, graphic and app design, virtual eality and high level mathematics activities.

TrackGirlz (Frisco, TX)

$10,000 to support design of our DreamBuildHER digital program document and allocate a program manager to identify and communicate with potential school and community partners. 

True Beauty Discovery (Westlake, OH)

$5,000 to cover the cost of their Legendary Workshop for Girls.

Unkitawa (Kent, Washington)

$10,000 to purchase reusable gear and supplies needed to safely forage for plants and process them into medicines. 

What Makes You Feel Beautiful (Haiku, HI)

$10,000 to provide stipends, secure space for the Maui Mana: Summer Internship for High School Girls program kick-off, support program management, and provide back-to-school supplies.

Youth Rise Texas (Austin, TX)

$10,000 to cover stipends for #StayWoke participants while taking part in the #SW Leadership intensive and the reading, fieldwork, and assignments that are a part of it. 

2022 Grant Recipients


Community Alliance of the Far Eastside

$25,000 to cover the costs for curriculum and supplies to engage youth in gardening and other healthy living activities.

Indiana Black Expo

$25,000 to support Indiana Black Expo's Performing Arts Academy (PAA), an innovative initiative that uses youth's interest and passion in the performing arts to advance student academic outcomes.

Lawrence Community Gardens

$10,000 to support the produce market and summer youth program.

Project Free

$25,000 to support financial literacy programs like budgeting and home ownership.


100 Men Enterprises (Mansfield, TX)

$25,000 to provide mentoring, education and job training for 100 at-risk young men

1000 Ties (Lindhurst, Ohio)

$25,000 to support the 1000 Ties Etiquette Program including materials, incentives and workshops for young men.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta (Atlanta, GA)

$25,000 to expand Social-Emotional Development Strategy to help youth build skills that maintain healthy relationships, manage impulse control, and improve mental health.

Camp Rise Above (Charleston, SC)

$25,000 to expand programming of adaptive camps for kids and young adults with disabilities or life-threatening illnesses.

Cardinal Shehan Center (Bridgeport, CT)

$11,500 to support the Girls Zone Program which provides girls in 4th-8th grades with a safe space to express themselves and discuss topics that are related specifically to them.

ForKids (Chesapeake, VA)

$25,000 to provide the support families need to achieve self-sufficiency and to provide direct financial assistance to households in need.

HomeFront (Lawrenceville, NJ)

$25,000 to support the Children's Champion Program which provides critical mental and behavioral healthcare, case management support, and academic and arts enrichment for youth at the emergency family shelter and those living at local motels.

Ladies Learning to Lead (Tallahassee, FL)

$22,000 to support the Career Mentoring Program which provides professional development classes, field trips to local universities, and guest speakers for young ladies.

Mama to Mama (Louisville, KY)

$25,000 to compensate doulas and provide them with training to be able to support mothers at no cost.

Operation Taking Back 901 (Memphis, TN)

$25,000 to hire and secure key talent, construction, inventory, working capital, and organizational development to continue many successful programs for teens in need.

Precious Dreams Foundation (Nationwide)

$25,000 to support the Comfort Drop Program which provides therapeutic workshops and delivers comfort items that give foster youth the opportunity to discover well-being through bedtime essentials, inspirational stories, and self-soothing activities.

Ser Familia (Kennesaw, GA)

$25,000 to support youth programming that meets growing mental health and educational needs in the Latino community.

SGA Family & Youth Services (Chicago, IL)

$25,000 to provide youth enrichment services which include leadership development, after-school programs, arts, and more.

Soles4Souls (NYC, NY)

$25,000 to provide 1,250 children experiencing homelessness in NYC with a new pair of athletic sneakers in Fall 2022.

Students Run Philly Style (Philadelphia, PA)

$25,000 to support MileUp, a diversion program that serves youth facing misdemeanor and felony charges.

Together We Rise (Brea, CA)

$25,000 to support the Family Fellowship Scholarship program which provides financial assistance, mentoring and academic supplies to aged-out foster youth.

We Build Black (Brooklyn, NY)

$25,000 to support the FAST TRACK: Workforce Development program which provides laptops, stipends, and Google Certification in areas of computer science to low-income, minority New Yorkers.

2021 Grant Recipients


Clean for Green

$50,000 to pay youth for cleaning up their neighborhood and provide mentorship.

Coburn Place Safe Haven II Inc.

$25,000 to provide flex funds for survivors when leaving an abuser.


$50,000 to connect individuals to the Job Readiness Training Program for Justice-Involved Opportunity Youth.

Happy Hollow Children's Camp, Inc.

$25,000 to support 400+ children to attend summer camp and provide them an opportunity to see life outside their neighborhood.


1000 Ties (Lindhurst, Ohio)

$17,400 to support the 1000 Ties Etiquette Program including materials, incentives and workshops.

Equal Justice Initiative (Montgomery, Ala.)

$25,000 to support the development of digital content and other resources to educate people about the history of injustice.

Gary Comer Youth Center (Chicago, Ill.)

$10,000 for the Bike Club that provides youth the opportunity to become safe riders and repair their bicycles.

Los Angeles Parks Foundation (Los Angeles, Calif.)

$25,000 for Girls Play Los Angeles which provides sports programming to approximately 3,000 girls in low-income neighborhoods.

Reclaimed Hope Initiative (Charlottesville, Va.)

$25,000 to expand their Camp Hope program for children with special behavioral or mental needs.

Sylvester Broome Empowerment Village

$25,000 for construction of the Flint Sportsplex which will host sports programs for Flint residents at no cost.

A Place Called Home

$25,000 to address basic urgent needs for youth and families in South Central Los Angeles including food insecurity.


$25,000 to to involve girls in empowerment workshops and street race events.

The Thinkubator

$25,000 to place 50 Black, Latinx, People of Color, and LGBTQ+ youth in paid internship opportunities.

Contact Us

JD Finish Line Foundation
3308 N. Mitthoeffer Road
Indianapolis, IN 46235
