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The JD Finish Line Foundation is proud to be partnering with these three impactful organizations. We know that through these investments that we can make a true difference in our communities. As we always strive to be "Louder than Words" our employees are incredibly excited to give their time and talents to make these partnerships thrive.

100 Black Men improves the quality of life within communities and enhances educational and economic opportunities for all African Americans. ​As part of the JD Finish Line Foundation’s commitment to workforce development, we will work to further 100 Black Men’s Collegiate 100 program, which provides mentoring for students as they transition from high school to college.

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Girls, Inc. inspires girls to be strong, smart and bold. As part of the JD Finish Line Foundation’s focus on workforce development, we will partner with the organization to accelerate young women’s trajectories into higher education and career entry through its Project Accelerate program.

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Feeding America’s goal is simple: Help people get the food and resources they need to thrive. Everything they do focuses on getting nutritious food to communities - from sourcing food to donations to advocating for policies that end hunger. They are the largest hunger relief organization in the United States with over 200 foodbanks, 21 statewide food bank associations and over 60,000 agencies, food pantries and meal programs. They helped provide 5.2 billion meals to tens of millions of people in need last year. The JD Finish Line partnership and funding will go towards the purchasing of food in communities around the country.